Tuesday, October 13, 2009

International Committee of the Red Cross

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a fascinating organization and accomplishes much good around the world. The ICRC provides food, medical services, family member reunion assistance, and even visits prison inmates in over 80 countries. The life of ICRC personnel requires language skills, relocation, a strong knack for negotiating, and the willingness to risk one’s safety. We learned from the mouth of one who had been all over the world in the name of the Red Cross.

The Red Cross originates from a Swiss businessman and social activist, Henry Dunant, who witnessed a terrible battle in Italy. He consequently wrote a book promoting the establishment of relief committees and rules of war. This led to the eventual creation of the ICRC, which today is supported by every country in the world save seven.

The Red Cross maintains its strategic position through neutrality and offers aid and relief to both sides when it comes to war. The Red Cross encourages countries and groups to keep the universal Rules of War and to uphold the International Humanitarian Law (IHL). I had never learned about the ICRC, and to say the least, was moved by the good it does in the world. I felt like I had been in the presence of a saintly organization. Our group left with a challenge to choose something specific and commit to doing it in an effort to make the world a better place.

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